It was a singing day for the kids... First it was, 'Let It Go' from the movie Frozen. Jorja and Ethan belted it out from early in the morning and by lunch time, I was wondering if they were directing it at me - their often highly strung, control-freak Mom...or if it was just co-incidence that I was feeling convicted about needing to loosen up a little. With Jorja adding in some choreography and Ethan singing his best falsetto, I think we may end up like this one day soon:
Off to Best Buy again to try and sort out P-J's ailing iPad and while he waited in the Geek Squad queue, the kids and I tested out headphone sets. There just happened to be the instrumental version of Let It Go playing (by the Piano Guys) ... cue some more singing!!
But Pharrell's Happy still tops it in Ethan's books! And he was singing it out loud.
To pass the time, waiting for the technical support squad to get their geek on, we visited the neighbouring Pet and Aquarium Store. So many birds, rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets and fish to see! I did not include the reptile area, because I didn't go near that entrance and therefore did not see it.
With time to spare, we ventured further down the road to the Powerhouse Mall. They had a big tent with some displays, a live radio broadcast...and the Lindt Chocolate shop. Not a bad afternoon outdoors!
The temperature dropped considerably by dinner time and the moon shone full and bright. The boys enjoyed evening play time before helping with some chores and then we head home.
Nemo! And Chocolate!