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Showing posts from September, 2012

When it rains, it pours!

After 6 cosy months, our house on the crescent now has to wait a long and lonely day before she's filled again with familiar people, smells and sounds. A full time job with 2 kids is not a joke - I am one (of millions of) tired Mamma(s)! And after just a few days back at work, both kids came down with season-shifting colds. Before I'd finished soothing their coughs and wiping their noses, there were 3 sick souls in the home. But the show must go on! Today Ethan moves out of our bedroom... A much thought about - quickly done move that now I'm feeling quite iffy about. Seems that once we enter the busy season, just like leaving home at the start of the new day or watching your kids grow up: there's just no turning back. Photo update to follow soon. Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

DIY Haircut

In those quiet moments, you HAVE to wonder... For not remembering to keep a curl from Jorja's very first haircut, I now have many, many long strands to make up for it - a clump of light brown locks, to be precise. Inspired by Aunty Annie's half 'n half haircut, Jorja got hold of the scissor and snipped away! Oh for sure, I'm relieved that it wasn't a 1cm fringe number - but that doesn't make it any easier to accept. Just goes to show: when it's really quiet and you're wondering if she's inside doing something mischievous... She probably is! Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device