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Day 82 & 83

Take a look at the photos of the last 24 hours: A trip to the mountains retreat in Plymouth.

We arrived just after 1.30pm and P-J got straight to work on setting up the fire. As you can see, Ethan didn't waste any time in finding all the toy animals and then lining them up on my leg. "Make them warm, Mommy" he suggested.

Animal daycare
 Jorja opted to kick off the visit with a celebratory dance...

And while she was doing this, Ethan found another stray animal that was looking for a hug!

After unpacking we ventured outside into the crisp afternoon air in search of blueberries that were ripe for picking. After only a few minutes of bundu bashing, Ethan announced that he would stand by the gate instead!

Once we were back inside, the kids enjoyed ice cream treats and P-J showed me how to play Battleships.

When he realised that he was going to lose...again!
 Following that victorious game, it was decided that we get started on supper rather. Just look at that      setup -
You can take the Kaapie out of Cape Town...but you can't get it out of him!
 Dinner was a fireside feast of grilled chicken, bacon-wrapped beef burgers on toasted garlic ciabatta and yellow melon - and more!

When the fire died at 12.30am (due to a depleted wood supply), we reluctantly turned in for bed.


This morning I woke up to my Chef bustling about in the kitchen - the unmistakable smell of breakfast wafting through the house...

Getting into holiday mode - better late than never!
 Jorja and Ethan woke up smiling and hungry!

Must've forgotten to put in his teeth!

Jorja captures our 'just woken up' faces well!

Breakfast banter

Delicious pancakes with berry and pear topping
 Ethan's choice was pancakes and he showed us just how to stack and savour it all before stuffing and swallowing it!

To walk off this brilliant breakfast, we head off into the woods... A beautiful September morning in Plymouth.

Any ideas of who was here?

Our walk was a little shorter than we'd hoped for, but our trusty tour guide (P-J) reckons that if you find fresh poop and you can't tell what sort of animal it's from, you'd best fast track home!

With a heavy heart, we cleaned up, packed the bags and piled it all into the car headed back to White River Junction. A real cherry on top to our time in Vermont as we prepare for our last week here.


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