...On our first trip out to get some grocery supplies, Jorja and I went out in long-sleeve tops and socks! By lunch time, though, the sun was out again and we enjoyed a walk to meet P-J at the canal.We sat on the bench for a few minutes before we walked back and let the sun toast us a little.
Something that I'd noticed before, though, was that there are locals travelling home by bus until late at night! I mean, at 20h00 when we're washing up our dinner plates, there are still queues for the bus and traffic heading in both direction is congested.
With all of this walking, we've also realised just how walk-friendly this city is and it makes a big difference. Back home, we wouldn't consider walking around for 3 + hours on a Saturday afternoon unless we were in a mall or along the beach. We are thoroughly enjoying this! I chuckled to myself today when I remembered how, in the early days, we didn't know that on the opposite side of the cobblestone road was a smooth path. Poor Jorja's body hopped like a bobble doll in the stroller and whoever was pushing had to hold onto the handlebars tightly! I'm sure there will be many more 'learning curves' in the weeks to come.

She looks like she's ready to attend the Grand Prix! :)