Sometimes, just sometimes, I have time that no amount of filing, cleaning and web-surfing can fill. Or rather, I grow weary of doing the one and or the other and I need a new task. Today is one of those times.
CUE: Cousin in Johannesburg with a recommendation - check out
Once I had read up a little on the topic, I started thinking about what my ONE WORD would be. And there it was: Simple.
This word could describe my goals and aims for the past 7 months pretty well. It is also my new underlying theme as far as my advice to others goes.
It seems as though I've been trying to organise myself since...primary school! Turns out, I'm either not very good at it, or it's an ongoing process! But this year, I've had a renewed appreciation for keeping things simple in my own life. For instance, our Main Bedroom never looked better than when we had just a bed and an orchid in it. Suddenly, the pressure to decorate, revamp, extend and expend was no longer a priority.
Since the start of my married life I've wanted to know how to prepare hearty pots of saucy food like the generations of ladies that came before me. But when the clock strikes six and I haven't been soaking sugar beans all day long, I go back to quadrant dinners - serving a quarter plate veg, a quarter plate starch and a half a plate protein!
Even this blog design - together with my email account, pc desktop and phone wallpaper - have all gone through colourful tweaks to match the trends and keep me inspired, and yet when I really want to feel grounded, I resort to the template named Simple.
All of these instances lead me to one question: So was it really necessary in the first place?
And if I'm honest, the answer is probably not.
So maybe I'm not equipped to lecture on the top 10 ways to simplify and how to identify the areas to do so in your own life, but know this: I am going to try and keep it Simple for me. And I know that it won't be easy, but I'm sure going to try and be a little less distracted by the need for trimmings and totals so that I can enjoy the here and now a little more.
CUE: Cousin in Johannesburg with a recommendation - check out
Once I had read up a little on the topic, I started thinking about what my ONE WORD would be. And there it was: Simple.
This word could describe my goals and aims for the past 7 months pretty well. It is also my new underlying theme as far as my advice to others goes.
It seems as though I've been trying to organise myself since...primary school! Turns out, I'm either not very good at it, or it's an ongoing process! But this year, I've had a renewed appreciation for keeping things simple in my own life. For instance, our Main Bedroom never looked better than when we had just a bed and an orchid in it. Suddenly, the pressure to decorate, revamp, extend and expend was no longer a priority.
Since the start of my married life I've wanted to know how to prepare hearty pots of saucy food like the generations of ladies that came before me. But when the clock strikes six and I haven't been soaking sugar beans all day long, I go back to quadrant dinners - serving a quarter plate veg, a quarter plate starch and a half a plate protein!
Even this blog design - together with my email account, pc desktop and phone wallpaper - have all gone through colourful tweaks to match the trends and keep me inspired, and yet when I really want to feel grounded, I resort to the template named Simple.
All of these instances lead me to one question: So was it really necessary in the first place?
And if I'm honest, the answer is probably not.
So maybe I'm not equipped to lecture on the top 10 ways to simplify and how to identify the areas to do so in your own life, but know this: I am going to try and keep it Simple for me. And I know that it won't be easy, but I'm sure going to try and be a little less distracted by the need for trimmings and totals so that I can enjoy the here and now a little more.
Ah, cousin... well done!!! well written!