My daughter talks a lot. She probably likes to talk as much as I like to write. And that's a lot.
I suppose she learnt to talk this much from me. And I noticed, growing up, that my Mom talks a lot too. And she, well, she learnt that art from her Mother!
Today, Jorja experienced this talk-a-thon first hand. Initially, she may have 'fought' back, but once she realised that there was no contest for my Grandmother's gift of the gab, she resigned herself to a nap. In fact: I'm told that Jorja asked if she may be excused so that she could go and nap.
Her ears were tired.
Often, there is so much noise in our physical space and also in our minds, that we have difficulty finding quietness - outside and within.
It doesn't take much to get caught up in the busyness of life - work commitments, social gatherings, kid's invitationals, hobbies... Just a few ways to make a helluva noise and steer from the simple!
A noisy frame of mind can lead to an untidy house, or a neglected friendship; a bad diet or a deep sense of unsettledness. There is no happy place to be found there.
In your stillness, you can reflect. You can refill. You can sort. You can simplify. You can learn. You can laugh. You can listen.
And like Jorja discovered today, sometimes we cannot contend with the other noises and we should just be quiet.
I suppose she learnt to talk this much from me. And I noticed, growing up, that my Mom talks a lot too. And she, well, she learnt that art from her Mother!
Today, Jorja experienced this talk-a-thon first hand. Initially, she may have 'fought' back, but once she realised that there was no contest for my Grandmother's gift of the gab, she resigned herself to a nap. In fact: I'm told that Jorja asked if she may be excused so that she could go and nap.
Her ears were tired.
Often, there is so much noise in our physical space and also in our minds, that we have difficulty finding quietness - outside and within.
It doesn't take much to get caught up in the busyness of life - work commitments, social gatherings, kid's invitationals, hobbies... Just a few ways to make a helluva noise and steer from the simple!
A noisy frame of mind can lead to an untidy house, or a neglected friendship; a bad diet or a deep sense of unsettledness. There is no happy place to be found there.
In your stillness, you can reflect. You can refill. You can sort. You can simplify. You can learn. You can laugh. You can listen.
And like Jorja discovered today, sometimes we cannot contend with the other noises and we should just be quiet.
Ah bless little Jorj. You should add the picture of her exhausted ears! :)