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Week 13

Talk about bunking all admin on account of the weather and other distractions! The last week is a bit of a blur...

We had a lunch date at Church after church on Sunday and got to know a few more families - just 3 families but with 9 adults, 12 children we definitely needed the big grounds and those all too familiar church tressle tables! It's not every day that you get home from Church at 3pm on a Sunday!

We saw Pa off to Boston for his flight back to Cape Town. After the news of Granny's passing on Friday, the wheels were in motion to get Pa back to South Africa to be with his siblings in preparation for the funeral. It was all quite quickly arranged and before we knew it, he was on his way so even if I'd wanted to send anything back home with him, I wasn't ready in time. And how weird to think that he was there and we were here!

It got super hot on Wednesday and then rained all day on Thursday. I keep thinking that if the thermostat in our home had feelings, he'd say: "Make up your mind already people!" When E heard that we were expecting some warmer weather, he automatically assumed that we'd be on our way to Quechee Gorge for a swim - oh to be young! Then on Thursday, it rained and poured all day...

We hosted a birthday party  - in the rain on Thursday - to celebrate Dear Husband's birthday. Fortunately, we were indoors for the celebrations! It was lovely to host the family for dinner and cake and it felt a bit like home. Of course, the Birthday Boy cooked dinner. His meal choice: steak and chips. For dessert, the kids and I had prepared cheese cake, chocolate cake, ice cream cake and dipped strawberries (to use up the melted chocolate). Of course, as it goes with baking with little hands, none of the cakes came out as planned but the end results were still pretty impressive!

We had some plumbing issues and revisited our bucket bathing days which was probably only that funny in theory. The logistics of waking up earlier and packing toiletries and clothing for 5 (hardly awake) people, then trekking across the road to Ma's house and trying not to make too much of a mess or noise was easier said than done. But the kids did enjoy a deep bucket bath and the mini adventure! Fortunately, order was restored by Friday evening and we felt very relieved (excuse the pun) to be able to use our own facilities. I'd say our Cape Town training did us very well.

And, we are well and truly getting ready for the cold now. Bring on the layers, hoodies, tracksuit pants, longer-than-ankle socks, high top shoes and runny noses! As advised by the locals, we are not to allow this cold to unsettle us too much, so as to better prepare for the real cold that's coming...


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