It was brrrrrrrr cold today - at one point, I stopped talking altogether because it seemed to use up too much body heat! Here are a few pros and cons of being at home, with a baby, during Winter:
Late morning tea and cuddles in a warm bed when everyone else heads to school
Night time nursing and nappy changing in single digit temperature when everyone else is sleeping
Creating sweet smelling pint sized clean laundry bundles at leisure
Desperately trying to wash and dry several loads of laundry in the rain
Playing peek-a-boo in pajamas
Playing peek-a-boo and watching in horror at the icy air escaping from your lips
No real pressure to primp and polish
It's your coveted shower time - all 5 minutes - and the water won't get hot
Leftover dinner for lunch
Not able to pass the kitchen without grabbing a snack
...And of course, they always seem to sleep less on a cold day. Which means that while you're daydreaming of snoozy afternoons in the Winter sun, they're op en wakker and demanding lots of attention!
Ja well, this is part and parcel of mothering a young one. I live in hope of a lazy lie in on a rainy day or better yet...Summer.
Soon! Enjoy these cuddly afternoons for now. 😊