The first term of Jorja's Grade RR year has come to an end - and we are all still standing. A scabbing scrape on the knee, a peeling lunch bag label, a growing spread of stray curls sticking straight up on her head and a t-shirt with unraveling stitching...but generally all in one piece.
Before the Term started, we joked about being in constant contact (aka speed dial) with the office - wondering what PJ's child would cook up at school...And she did not disappoint! (But in the best ways that we could've hoped for) - feedback from the Teacher, updates from the office, invitations to meet the other new parents... It was all welcome contact and we'd much rather be in the know, than be guessing what Jorja was doing from 8am - 1pm on weekdays!
After just a few short weeks, Jorja discovered the after care facility. We've all had a chance to be the bearer of bad news, arriving to fetch her after school and spoiling any chance she may have had to be booked in. We are now considering letting her stay later one day per week as a treat. Have you ever?!
Jorja visited the School Library for the first time this month and even fell asleep holding her book bag on her lap the other night. Here's to many happy hours spent reading :)
So we head into holiday mode: we get a break from packed lunches and racing the 8am clock - and we hope that all we learnt in the first term of the school year will not be undone by 7 April...
Enjoy this holiday, it's a different kind when you are a school child's parent!