...and it only really dawned on me now, when I threw out my 2013 diary!
The collective circumstances of a dud phone, too few hands to juggle everything and sometimes just being too hot to move, has resulted in a very quiet blog over the Festive Season. I'll try and recap just a few of our Summer-fun memories:
Ferrier Family Reunion: Johnson Branch |
We attended a colour-coded, cousin-loaded Family Reunion just after Christmas and even though I couldn't find more than a stitch of orange to match our tribe, we had a good time meeting the extended family and braai-ing up a storm, despite the early morning rain.
Cooling off |
DIY Christmas Shopping |
Left to his own devices in the toy aisle, Ethan found the helicopters and proceeded to load our trolley (all by himself) with all of the stock he could find!
Feel-good trip down music memory lane |
Kim, together with singing sensations Luqmaan Adams, Monox Adams and Keenan Arrison, presented 'The Wonder Years' over the December holidays and I laughed, sang and danced through the entire production. Let's hope they show it again in March!
Beach walks |
Unfortunately we didn't have as many of these after Christmas lunch, as we should have had! The weather was picture-perfect almost all of the time and everyone enjoyed their time in the sun. On this side of Christmas, Jorja and Ethan now have bicycles to test out on the Promenade too - which will at least get us old fogeys at the back moving faster!
Outdoor adventure |
Anniversary Harley ride along the coast |
P-J and I celebrated our 7th anniversary with another overnight trip in Town, with a visit up Table Mountain before lunch and a coastal tour on his motorbike after breakfast the next day. What a treat! Of course, the kids were waiting at home to help him park the bike in the driveway, when we returned!
Family time |
Welcome blog, welcome! A great way to start 2014!