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August at a glance

It's been a busy month and I'm sorry to say that half of the blog posts that I had in mind, didn't make it on to this space.

Nevertheless, see some of the snippets below -

There was the sushi-splurge that had everyone smiling because it had taken me way too long to try and then decide to like! If I'm honest, I'm attracted to the rice...and the avo! The fish is just in there for fun. You can tell by the fact that my wasabi, ginger and soy sauce remain untouched at the end of the meal.

This Salushi Selection was my best order ever
There was the Spur night with the Hendricks' that I can actually say was an enjoyable one. Normally we're cramped, rushed, restless and suffer from indigestion afterwards because of those factors. Funny thing is that the good experience was not restricted to the kids-eat-free part or even the yummy waffles enjoyed too, but rather, the excellent balloon making skills we saw. Plus, Jorja had her first face paint and Ethan kept the staff busy, requesting tokens for the car...

I'm a cat - see me ......stick out my tongue!

Spur's own Speed Racer
Annie's special request was too cute

There was the hospital week that we'd all rather forget, when Matthew rode in an ambulance and Zac stayed 3 nights in a metal crib for treatment for lung infections for both. Aunty Dom did a  fantastic job of keeping the house (and kids) in order, all while Papu and Yaya were in Durban for the same weekend! 

There was the So You Think You Can Dance auditions that Annie entered as a by-the-way thing one Saturday, and then progressed to the third round of auditions and Joburg workshop sessions. We're hoping to catch some of her performances on the show this Saturday evening. She really is a special talent.

There was the back to work day (on a slightly more sober note) that marked the end of my stay at home time and quickly shook me back into meal planning (attempts), early rising, less flexible schedules and a new appreciation for the weekend. Already I feel busier than I was, last time this year, but I am enjoying being back at my desk for another season.

Found these 'genuines' in Claremont
There was the fetch our new car day that we were expecting - just not quite so soon! We struck an awesome deal with my Dad and within a few days of talks, a fiery red VW Polo was added to our fleet. Ha ha!

There was the Ethan's Photobook is finished day that really got me smiling. It also arrived in good time too. As I've said (about my own work) no photobook is complete without an error here and there. But I enjoy telling a story of the bits and pieces of the first year.

 And then there are normal days - but normal by who's standards? Seems the normal days are the ones when we see people doing extraordinary things, making a positive impact, but going along without sirens, flashes, face paint and Facebook. As Jorja edges closer to her last few weeks at  Bonny Babies, I am reminded of how fortunate she has been (and how blessed Ethan is now) to be cared for with such a personal touch. Grandparents, Great-Aunts, Regular Aunts and friends have taken a keen interest in helping Peter-John and I nurture their curious and colourful temperaments and introduce them to the world.

Ethan going through his part for the performance


  1. I don't eat sushi but that looks delicious! Oh, and congratulations with the new car.


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