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Let them dream

While filling out a 'big school' application form for Jorja recently, a phrase that came to mind often was "...without smothering her, we'd like to..."

Funny (not so) how we say that to ourselves and others but secretly still want them to: stay clean, eat finished, say please and thank you automatically, sit still, be quiet and more!

My dear Mother-in-law has been an educator for 36 years and I'm pretty sure that they were trained to instill order, discipline, neatness and manners...oh yes, and knowledge, into the young lives that they influence for 6 hours a day. That's a big job for a whole lot of hours for many, many years! I mean, we've all grown up expecting it to happen.

And then along came Jorja. Colourful, spirited, non-conforming, brave, determined, confident, honest Jorja.

On Mother's day we realised afresh the blessing of being a parent and my M-I-L challenged me to "relax and enjoy my child"... and it really has challenged me to give Jorja space to dream.

I don't mean the hippie-style flowers, love and peace (although that doesn't sound half bad now that I've said it) kind of dream and despite the picture, I'm not going to advocate Ethan trying his hand at being Batman... But space to just be.

To be:
Colourful, Spirited, Non-conforming, Brave, Determined, Confident and Honest.

Because even though the combination of these traits at this time leaves me breathless from trying to 'manage' it, I could not possibly want to change her. Each of these attributes can be used for good and as parents we should be there to guide our kids...and then cheer as they grow up well!

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


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