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Day 1

For the sake of this entry, let's call the last 24 hours since we landed, the end of Day 1. Gosh, it's been an eventful day! 

We left home by 09h30 on Thursday morning even though our first flight only departed at 13h30. We didn't know what to expect. We noticed Jorja's fearless traveller streak very early in the day. Who knew a purple-coloured backpack could do that?

In one line, the flight(s) went well. Lest we forget the way a cup of water showered me within 2 hours of the first flight or the way Jorja's chicken meal decorated her only travel outfit before bedtime... And what about the rice confetti celebration coming from Row 16 in the middle of the night?!

My two greatest concerns were put to bed - the take off and landings went pretty well and the kids slept plenty. Ethan fell asleep during our descent into Dubai at 01h00 on Friday and Jorja napped for the entire second leg. We had to wake her up to disembark!

Once in Heathrow airport, our kids scored us a ticket down the 'Fast Track' lane for passports and customs and we were in the arms of family before we knew it. Once at home in the Wilcox residence, Jorja and Uncle Neil picked up where they left off (and so suprisingly smoothly considering it was their first real life meet, ever) and we worked to stay warm and awake until bed time - however light that may look outside!

They say: Don't come to London for the grey skies. They are right. So you can just imagine PJ's exhiliration when he opened the curtain and exclaimed, "The sun is out! The roads are dry!"

We had a cosy and relaxing nights rest and everyone was up by 06h30. Good morning London. We are the duPs.


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