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Week 24

This was a full week for the family.

On Saturday, Dear Husband and I celebrated our 12th Wedding Anniversary with a day trip to Boston, Massachusetts. We were so looking forward to the 2 hour drive and a taste of the City again...and of course, some kid-free time! Our gracious babysitter received the kids at 10:00 and we were off! The trip up was a little longer and detour-ish than expected but we weren't losing steam (neither did we hit default and start talking about the kids)! Our ramp into the City was a little hair-raising - multiple lanes, hu-uuu-uge intersections and traffic! Fortunately we found parking pretty quickly and then set off on foot to the markets. Instead of lunch, we shared a Boston Creme Pie (no less) and spent more time exploring - after all, we were child-free!

On the road home, we stopped by an Outlet Mall (Husband's fave hangout!) and then resumed the dark and fairly foreign drive back. We arrived back by 20:00 to three cheery children and we'd be lying if we didn't admit that we had missed them.

On Sunday we picked out the last few gifts and got home to wrap them up. The kids were pretty patient in the queues although it wasn't a bad rush either. I'd like to think that we just timed it well, because when Dad went later that evening, it was madness. Plus, there's nothing a Mommy-look and a packet of M&Ms can't help curb...

Dad putting the finishing touches on J's full size doll house!

On Monday evening we joined our Church family for Carols by candlelight and Cookies! Since the service was at 18:00, it was well dark already by the time we pulled in. The children marvelled at the way the building looked at night time and once inside, the lights and music and small sea of red knitted cardigans added to the festive feeling. It was an All-Age service so the hour was dotted with "Hi!" "Mom I want to potty..." and our very own "Can I have a cookie?" comments from the pews. Singing the carols made me miss our church family at home but being altogether at this time with my own little family brings me so much joy! Once we had exchanged our candles for a cookie treat, we head back home to prepare for our Christmas Eve "party".

Before getting married, I didn't even know that people outside of the movies stayed up late on Christmas Eve to open presents. The way (my sisters and) I saw it, get to sleep quickly so that Christmas would come sooner! Well, Dear Husband has added a new perspective and passed it on to the children. E and Baby sat wide eyed and bushy tailed until 00:00. J had given up 2 hours prior, but had made us promise to shake her until she woke up, if we were in fact opening gifts in the dark! Well, it seemed only proper for the 2 eager beaver kids to go and wake their sleeping father (!!) and out of semi-closed, not nearly closed and desperately wanting to close eyes, we had a little gift opening fun and then sent everyone to bed!

These sisters know how to throw a party...

On Tuesday we celebrated Jesus' birthday! Knowing that we weren't rushing off to a morning service made a big difference. We partied (and Skype-called family and friends back home) in our pajamas until noon (while Dad finished the lunch dishes) and then set up the table for our guests. J kept on finding another string of beads or lights or tinsel to add to the table - I was glad that we could come to a compromise and hang some on the wall instead. We had to keep the candy canes out of Baby's reach too. As we settled down to lunch, Pa reminded us of the special reason for this gathering - Jesus' miracle birth and God's ultimate plan to send Jesus to Earth to save the world! This was also the first Christmas lunch altogether after 13 years! We had cooked meats and fancy desserts, we didn't have hats or crackers, we had some family and missed others, we had washing up on our socks and siesta time between meal times, we ripped open wrapping and spent time picking up the many small pieces afterwards and we had lots of smiles and laughter. A special memory.

Learning "O Holy Night" on Ukulele

On Wednesday we were a little disorientated because we were tired but everyone was back at work. This was a little worse than jet lag, I think. Growing up in South Africa, we've become accustomed to  "a period between Christmas and New Year where you can just chill and there's zero expectation to have or make plans! Our days are spent having spontaneous morning adventure swims, coffee and chats..." Nope, not here. Apparently, this is the day where people are hitting the shops again to return/exchange gifts and scoop up the now reduced sale stock. Good grief. Trying to be the biggest rebel I could be, I dragged the kids' mattresses to the lounge and we watched movies while snacking on leftover crackers and cheese if some sort of Christmas-time bubble! After lunch we ventured outside and even found a little sun down at the slightly frozen ball field. A little different to lazing at the beach with potato salad and cold meats, but I'm open to adventure!


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