When you wake up at a decent hour and have nothing to rush off to, you will catch a bout of the post-event blues. Fact.
The first half of my day was a little rough around the edges - last few arrangements, packing of event vehicles to be sent back to London and the odd Q&A. When it all fizzled out by lunch time, I was reduced to a hungry, tired, homesick cry. The kids were a little moany and the call quality was low too - which added to the mood I guess.
I'd almost climbed into bed, when a last minute lunch invite and a group walking down the TdF Finish saved me!
(Will add pics later)
Getting there involved some heavy duty navigating by foot and then standing in the rain - but absolutely no regrets. The vibe, the cyclists, the landmarks on the way... I am SO glad that I didn't stay in bed!