It's the final countdown.
I have approximately 7 hours of unemployed sleep left.
A new season awaits.
I start my 8th? 9th? 10th? contract and in a new job description. My baby will not be with me all day. For the first time ever, I'll be a mom to 3 kids, wife and office worker all at the same time. Eek!
I'm both nervous and excited.
After all these years, it can still feel like the first day of school.
Just pottering and packing.
Do I overhaul the kitchen or just do the dishes? Library bag, swimming togs, baby supplies, expressing kit, office tools, school lunches...oh and don't forget dirt day!
A whole chapter been and gone.
I have been home with Adrienne for 20 weeks. I can't believe how quickly the months have slipped by. The whole idea of 'maternity leave', pajama days, slow cooking dinner and laundry at leisure is ...over.
It's a graduation of sort.
My youngest child is growing up and going to daycare.
I should be sleeping.
I can't.
My minds full. So mindful! Such gratitude. All these moments to store up as memories and lessons. The challenges. The isolation. The progress. The intensity. The quietness. The craziness.
My (not-so) little family.
The past season has been another colourful page added to our life book. I am a little sad that this will all change up again from tomorrow... but where's the life of it, if it didn't?!
Here we go... Spring it on!
You'll be fine and all your children loved wherever they are! Enjoy!