Out of sheer curiosity (Google, the schedule and) I did a tally today. I counted just over fifteen weeks that I've been based at home. That's about two thousand five hundred and twenty hours. Or one hundred and five days. See where I'm going with this?
And in all this time I haven't blogged. Not once. I find this very frustrating!
I've spent a lot of time thinking, spent time waiting for the washing cycle to finish, watching movies, the rain fall and the news reports, there's been time spent boiling the kettle for copious cups of tea, writing and re-writing to do lists, filling the calendar with celebrations, errands and countdowns ...and also getting (some) sleep.
It would be rude of me to not mention - on a new line - that we *have* been getting *some* sleep, giving credit to the days when things run brady-bunch smoothly.
And in all this time I have tried to be productive, tried to be progressive, tried to get organised, tried to be and look orderly but ultimately, I've just tried to stay afloat.
'Cos ain't nobody got time for a crazy lady!
Turns out that this time can also leave one feeling quite lonely... Craving company, human interaction in person or online.
I mean: What is the obsession with crowds rushing en masse in your direction in the early days (of any life-changing event), when we are truly fine, running on adrenalin / euphoria / love and fresh air... but missing in action when we could really use the company?
In addition, I don't know where this post is headed to or what point I'm hoping to make. Fail.
Come to think of it, I don't even know if I want to keep publishing my family life on the world wide web. Double fail. And I definitely don't want my kids to see me on my phone (hello mobile blogger feature) too often... Epic fail.
But oh I love to write.
The pirate in me emerges and I'm thinking "if only I could put so much gees into my quest to get fit!"
Maybe it's time for a change.
Can't be the hair - pony tail status is almost in my reach.
So I'll move my bedroom pieces around a bit. Husband says he will use GPS service to find his way, failing which will settle in the passage until dawn breaks. Ha ha. In this ice box? I think not.
Maybe my focus of the blog will change so that I don't have to hold a mental board meeting about what's okay to write about?
I don't know - let it be tomorrow's quest. This has already used up quite a bit of time. Ai, the irony.
And so the great life questions continue.......should I ......? Enjoy every minute, regardless. Before you know it the children will all be grown up!