Before my last post, I played around with the layout template. It bothered me that I could still see a post from June that spoke about me saying goodbye to my old job.
Every time I scrolled down the page, there was a sneering voice in my head telling me that I hadn't made any progress since then - especially since here I was, back at this job! A tough mind game for a task-orientated girl like me.
These days I'd like to think of it as full circle "through a series of developments that lead back to the original source, position, or situation or to a complete reversal of the original position" (Merriam Webster) for a good reason...
A season of big lessons.
A serving (or 3) of humble pie.
A wake up call.
I could not say these things out loud at first. I was riddled with disappointment, exhaustion and many, many questions;
How come I was accepted into the programme but didn't feel at peace about it? Were my desires misplaced or misunderstood? Why was I constantly running out of steam? Where could I find another 12 hours? How much change could my family handle? Where was I meant to be? What was I here for??
But as we've traversed down the path of 2015, I have been reminded of one absolute: my plans - though many and seemingly sound, lack the infinite wisdom and foresight that the Ultimate Planner has, for me.
The learning is far from over but the perspective seems to be a little more in line these days! I am thankful for the men, women and children in my life who keep reminding me of all that I have - to use and to share with others.
Every time I scrolled down the page, there was a sneering voice in my head telling me that I hadn't made any progress since then - especially since here I was, back at this job! A tough mind game for a task-orientated girl like me.
These days I'd like to think of it as full circle "through a series of developments that lead back to the original source, position, or situation or to a complete reversal of the original position" (Merriam Webster) for a good reason...
A season of big lessons.
A serving (or 3) of humble pie.
A wake up call.
I could not say these things out loud at first. I was riddled with disappointment, exhaustion and many, many questions;
How come I was accepted into the programme but didn't feel at peace about it? Were my desires misplaced or misunderstood? Why was I constantly running out of steam? Where could I find another 12 hours? How much change could my family handle? Where was I meant to be? What was I here for??
But as we've traversed down the path of 2015, I have been reminded of one absolute: my plans - though many and seemingly sound, lack the infinite wisdom and foresight that the Ultimate Planner has, for me.
The learning is far from over but the perspective seems to be a little more in line these days! I am thankful for the men, women and children in my life who keep reminding me of all that I have - to use and to share with others.
Amen! 😊