After a very busy month, the curse of load-shedding that's been rocking our country (again) is almost a blessing in disguise - at least in some cases you are forced to just sit quietly in the dark and catch your breath!
Let's start at the beginning of November, when we moved house...preceded only by the big packing
day week before.
Simultaneously, we helped P-J's folks and Gran Jean move too.
Before we'd unpacked even half way, we welcomed Simon back to Cape Town, with his new wife Dorothee. We welcomed them right into our now more 'accommodating' home...It's the least we could've done after they patiently helped us on the official moving day!
Give or take a few days, and I was off to Swellendam for the Coronation Double Century event, and this time, with Andel and his cronies following closely behind, leaving P-J with the kids and the boxes.
ETA Team 1 |
By the following Friday, the Klaasens made their
big reveal and got us all excited about
Button's arrival all over again!
And there was a bike accident. Grandpa Danny was knocked off the motorbike and the taxi drove over him as well. What a shock! Miraculously, he escaped with only severe bruising and has to do some physiotherapy to get ease of movement back.
A cup of coffee after 6 hours of tests |
Within 7 days of the last cycling event, it was the Stellenbosch Cycle Tour and in the sweltering heat, those same DC cronies gave their swan song for the 2014 cycling season - much to the relief of WAGS the world over - more specifically, Robyn Klaasen!
Stellenbosch at 6am - simply beautiful |
Then there was another accident - the Monday evening following the last accident. Yaya lost consciousness and struck not one but two poles! Fortunately no other car or person was involved and the neighbourhood watch was on hand to assist and notify family and the rescue services. Miraculously, she was not critically injured.
Made to lay in this position as a precaution |
After Yaya was discharged, we went to the airport to see the Klaasens off to the UK and within a week, we welcomed the other duPs from the USA!
...and that's only until the beginning of December!
Welcome back! All we can say is 'thank you Lord for your continued blessing!'