Two weeks ago, I started a post about the kids having to be partners in sickness and in health...
Our shelf was lined with cough syrup, nasal spray, pain and fever medication, eye drops, lip balm, menthol rub and tissues. They were down and out! I was going to write about the sometimes forced but special connection between siblings - close enough to get you sick and then stuck with you til you get better.
...And before I knew it, we were approaching Father's Day and P-J was sacrificing his expectations (and his bed) to tend to his two sickly kids. I was in awe of his patience and care, even staying home from work with both of them one day to aid their recovery and keeping his cool while they moaned and nagged between sweaty naps, mixed appetites and the every day demands of a sick kid times two.
But before I could celebrate having the focus off of Father's Day (and the gift), P-J was down with the bug himself and needed much more than a prettily wrapped present to make him feel better. We made the executive decision to move everyone into the big bed, with the meds, a large supply of tissues and the tv for the weekend. It wasn't the best scenario, but it was pretty awesome in a different kind of way. Happy Father's Day!
There's some trouble with uploading the photos to go with this post, but let's face it: what's so nice to see about 2 sick kids, their folks and a low key long weekend?!
Just had to get us kind of up to date before the new week starts... From Tuesday, we'll be using this platform to document our new season!
Our shelf was lined with cough syrup, nasal spray, pain and fever medication, eye drops, lip balm, menthol rub and tissues. They were down and out! I was going to write about the sometimes forced but special connection between siblings - close enough to get you sick and then stuck with you til you get better.
But before I could celebrate having the focus off of Father's Day (and the gift), P-J was down with the bug himself and needed much more than a prettily wrapped present to make him feel better. We made the executive decision to move everyone into the big bed, with the meds, a large supply of tissues and the tv for the weekend. It wasn't the best scenario, but it was pretty awesome in a different kind of way. Happy Father's Day!
There's some trouble with uploading the photos to go with this post, but let's face it: what's so nice to see about 2 sick kids, their folks and a low key long weekend?!
Just had to get us kind of up to date before the new week starts... From Tuesday, we'll be using this platform to document our new season!
at least you are all better now, just in time too!