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Photo Update

Before you know it, we're in December and rounding up things at school and work for 2013!

Jorja and I enjoyed a girls' night out with Yaya and the Aunts at the end of November. We watched Mamma Mia in Kirstenbosch Gardens and it was loads of fun - even the part when we lay bundled up in dark, sipping tea while the credits rolled!
When Missy saw her stamp on the next morning still, she was excited all over again!
We attended Canal Walk's Snow Park launch last week, much to the delight of Jorja and Ethan who initially (only just for a few moments) struggled to comprehend that all the pretend snow variations and sugary treats were freely available to them!

Seems like Mamma's hand was shaking thanks to a sugar-induced tizz!

"...I could get used to this..."
That same week, Jorja and Madi were invited to attend Annie and Nat's end of year dance show case. Every year the invite comes on the day, which leaves little time for the adults to plan, but more than enough time for the guests of honour to plan matching outfits, hairstyles, handbags...and even squeeze in some pre-event snacks!

 Then on Monday and Tuesday we cared for Zac while his Mom gave extra care to Andel after his shoulder surgery. Three kids fit into the back seat fine, and even ate well too, but the bed time was a little tricky to implement - given that the 2 toddlers just couldn't contain their excitement when they realised it was a sleep-over!!

Bonny Babies attended their final swimming lesson of the year, and Jorja showed great progress from "I don't do speedboat exercises..." to "I don't do speedboat exercises unless the camera is on me!"
Ethan received his Level 1 certificate for - what must mean - thanks for coming and not bringing the house down ! P-J noted though that Ethan has done considerably more swimming than Jorja did at this age, and he's happy to follow Teach Nelia's instructions, for now! 
Bonny of Bonny Babies is dreaming of Christmas, can you tell? She's already dressing them up in festive garb, as if in obvious red-and-white-code, reminding the parents to take their kids home for the holidays!

Please Yaya, may I say til the 20th?
So many more memories to share, but out of time now! The next blog should be slightly calmer (ha ha - at this time of the year?) and include decorating the tree, the wedding and a few more snaps!


  1. What a lovely update: so good to see the little ones carrying on the cousin-sibling relationship that I used to see with you and our crazy gang.
    Love you.

  2. lovely! lots of happy cousins together, having fun!


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