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Showing posts from August, 2013

August at a glance

It's been a busy month and I'm sorry to say that half of the blog posts that I had in mind, didn't make it on to this space. Nevertheless, see some of the snippets below - There was the sushi-splurge that had everyone smiling because it had taken me way too long to try and then decide to like! If I'm honest, I'm attracted to the rice...and the avo! The fish is just in there for fun. You can tell by the fact that my wasabi, ginger and soy sauce remain untouched at the end of the meal. This Salushi Selection was my best order ever There was the Spur night   with the Hendricks' that I can actually say was an enjoyable one. Normally we're cramped, rushed, restless and suffer from indigestion afterwards because of those factors. Funny thing is that the good experience was not restricted to the kids-eat-free part or even the yummy waffles enjoyed too, but rather, the excellent balloon making skills we saw. Plus, Jorja had her first face paint and Etha...

Lose the Manual

Just like the highly paid, authored experts recommend as part of your baby's daily ritual: "A warm bath with calming essence, a body massage with oils or vapour rub and a loving cuddle will send your little one off to dream land..." But not before he eats one half of breakfast and throws the other half on to the floor; sends his takkies flying into the kitchen sink from NBA 5-pointer distance; tries a toilet run no less than 4 times before 9am (including the near perfect dismount resulting in one foot in the bowl with a splash!) and then the inevitable wee on the carpeted floor some time later! Let me hasten to add that I've moved a mattress into my bedroom to spare us all the pain, noise and cold of a restless night...and my weaning score is "hit-one-skip-one". Lose the Manual that some well-meaning girlfriend gave you in the days of pregnancy glow and white onesie dreams - this is real life. No one else knows what will work in your home, so ma...

Mum to One

Jorja is away for the weekend. 1 night down, 2 more to go! (Not like she's counting - but we sure are...) When we checked in with her this morning she proclaimed: "...We'll be here for another three weeks..." And then after a very nervous-sounding correction in the background, she came back saying, "...I mean, three days!" And while our four-year-old is out - and quite obviously - enjoying a long weekend away, P-J and I are experiencing a very quiet time at home with Ethan. He's also decided that it's not quite right without his Big Sister, and is walking around a bit like a lost fart in a perfume shop. Bless him. Well, I hope she remembers this time of solo holiday well, because I don't know that we'll agree to this again, anytime soon! Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device