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The month that has been...

It's been a busy month all round:

At home -

P-J has been promoted from Private Chef to Full Time Dad! Without skipping a beat, he has been co-ordinating bath-time, meals, collections and delivery schedules with grocery shopping, laundry service, housekeeping and bed-time rituals. The best part was when he called me from a Mega Shopping Mall to say that he'd see me later, he was "...out with the kids!" Did I mention that all this time he was also fulfilling his duties as Chef at his full time job? Bravo, my Love, bravo!

Takes on all the responsibility and still manages to look ice cool! 

Jorja wasted no time in assuming the role of Dad's big little-helper and promptly claimed the Guest Bedroom with Queen-size bed as her reward-come-retreat after a busy day of school, swimming, sucker-eating, music-playing and general helping. In the middle of my week of events, she called me on location and enquired, "Why are you leaving so early in the morning? It's still dark! Can't you just wait for us all to wake up?"

We're trying out everything right now - even a make-shift violin made with a mini keyboard and stick

Ethan officially started walking on Friday, 1 March (that's my story and I'm sticking to it) and has quickly graduated to running! He must've been having a time-trial in his dreams one night, because he launched forward and landed on his nose, earning himself one seriously Rudolph carpet burn :( As a result, for the last week we've been applying more bum cream to his nose than his nether-regions to ensure a smooth complexion for his 1st Birthday photos!

Now that's a shiner!

At school -

My children are outspoken, good eaters and in this weather, hardly ever fully clothed! For all that Jorja enjoys swimming and splashing, she does not enjoy wearing wet clothes - so there must be a variety of outfit changes readily available. Here it definitely helps to have school at your Yaya's house.

Made it herself...

Ethan and Zac keep (themselves and everyone else) very busy and love each other uninhibitedly - high fives - on the hand and in the face - hugs, headlocks, kisses, pinches and the most gorgeous smiles. On occasion, you could possibly also make out the one calling the other on a name! Seeing them play side by side is a wonderful picture...I just hope that Robyn realises it's the only cousin combo I can offer her family!

It must be love..

At work -

We are rounding up the Cape Argus Pick n Pay Lifecycle Week of events. PHEW! It has been quite an experience. I won't bore you with the logistics, but let's just say that the H1 bus (I love rental vehicles) and I became good friends on the long roads in the wee hours of the morning...
I also think that I've found some muscles in the arms and legs that I'd forgotten I had!
Culminating with the Official Prize Giving at the Cullinan Hotel on this past Monday morning, I can now confidently say that I've experienced the entire Lifecycle Week from start to finish.

My favourite newspaper headline...ever!

Ethan and Jorja come to visit at Tricycle and Junior Tour
Jorja making notes of where I can improve for next time
Just a little motivation
So proud of our Finishers - Andel and Brendan

After a month like this, I'll definitely take the time available to me to familiarise myself around the house, with my bed and with my family! I also have hundreds of Thank You cards and gifts to prepare!!


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