...But last night's meal at our local and loved steak ranch was not worth the R500 that was forked over for it! I think that we'd do a much better job ourselves - if we just put a little more effort into our intentions. There are obvious ups like: having everyone seated around the same table for at least 15 minutes and the no-washing up arrangement, to name a few. But they are not so good that they overwhelm common sense!
I love family-time meals...with dessert, nogal! I love preparing meals, serving meals - hell - even cleaning up after the meal. It's the family time that stems from this (with friends and family alike) that makes it all worth it. Now if I could just buy some time in my own kitchen...
We may not be able to achieve Spur-status, but that's what treats are for! Let's spend our time, money and effort in a better way from now on. Why not consider it for yourselves? Contribute in craft, cash or kind - there are many elements to a meal.
p.s. P-J visited the Grade 3 class at Fellowship Bible Church Christian School last Thursday, to give them a cooking class. Pics to follow soon!
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