It was a week of many 'happy returns'...Well actually, it all happened on one day! On Monday, we celebrated P-J's father's birthday, with the arrival of P-J from Buenos Aires and Deb and Matty from Belgium!
It's been a year since we've seen the other du Plessis family, and it was so exciting to see Jorja and Matty interact, 1 year later. We are so happy to have P-J home (thanks for staying, Aunty Dom)...bringing local treats like dulce de leche and the much loved alfajores!

So the week has been pretty eventful - catching up on everything ranging from growth spurts and new habits to reunions and 12 day laundry backlog! Despite the fuller social calendar now with our special visitors, it's ironic that I feel more relaxed, knowing that P-J is around - my faithful tag-team partner.
Things have busied at the Events Office this month as well, and we're preparing for 2 major back-to-back events, followed by an office move - and all this before Christmas, that's in just 1 month's time!
This year is just flying by and the weather is playing her part too - After touch and go weather this past weekend, these last couple of days have suggested that Summer is on its way!
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