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Showing posts from January, 2013

Photo Opp: "Life as... it happens!"

Just love this snap that P-J caught, while we were out celebrating Aunty Heidi's birthday this afternoon. It really is just a cool moment that he was fortunate to capture! Ethan has been doing a lot of 'help-me-walking' and Jorja has been doing a lot of her own thing! (It's been a pretty intense weekend of enjoying my husband and children's company after those days away from them.) Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Out of Town

For the last two nights, I've been in Johannesburg for work... I haven't seen these reddish-brown, wind-less hills for about 3 years and on the first day, I hid in my room if I didn't need to be outside. By the second day, though, I was feeling braver and as we turned on to Grayston Drive, the rusty pieces of mental GPS fell into place - Benmore Gardens, The Michelangelo, Nelson Mandela Square and the McDonalds on the corner! When we passed the City Lodge, I remembered my time as PJ's assistant as he fed the Miss SA contestants of 2008 - newly pregnant with Jorja, tired, with limited knife skills - but donning a loaner chef jacket with pride! I have missed them this week. It's so quiet when you're on your own - at night, I had to put my phone on silent, because it seemed too loud! Turns out, when you have the space on the bed, 4 pillows to yourself, the tv remote in your hand, a buffet breakfast on offer and a daily turn down s...

January 2013

When New Year hit it was as if a neatly-dressed stewardess was shouting from down the passage: "Thank you for flying Air V A Cation. We hope you've enjoyed your time with us. Please mind your step between the obstacles marked fatigue, worry and challenge... and the massive To Do list as you disembark!" We've had a lovely holiday - especially the very last part this weekend in Gordon's Bay. For the first time in forever, all 4 of us (P-J, Jorja, Ethan + I) were in the sea together! At the end of this past work week, my boss THANKED me for returning to work after the festive season. Gosh - is it going to get that bad?! Truth be told, I have no idea what the next 9 weeks hold for me work wise, but I know that I have to put on my armour, take a deep breath and push until prize-giving (and then a few days more to do the recon)! Side note: I really hope that this (new) template will have longevity. Either I'm very fussy, or the templates are just a touch ...

Summer Holidays

In case you're wondering what kind of holiday we've had, try this on for size: The batteries of the Kiddies Electric Keyboard (great gift, received just last week!) have died. It's been a noisy, busy, toy-strewn, dirty feet, fruity, toothy, fan-needing, late night but early morning kind of time! Sure, with 2 kids under 5, I knew it would be noisy and very busy most of the time. But I could not have imagined all the toys that they'd attract (with all sorts of sounds and many, tiny accessories). It should be mandatory for every child to pass on the previous years stash before the new load comes in... Over this holiday, Jorja decided to trade her usual breakfast cereal for a fruit platter #welovesummer. With her sarong draped around her tall, tanned self, wild curls and bare feet, she's permanently looked like the double for the LiquiFruit ad! And the little Mister (weighing in at 10,8kg these days) is able to stand and applaud the coming of his (almost 3) ...