This year we tried something different! We enjoyed a 'Family Favourites' lunch on Christmas Eve with all of our visiting Pretoria family - Quiche, Fish and Chips, Pizza, Salads (and a suprise Crayfish tail starter treat) followed by Vanilla Ice Cream and Berries. Yum! The meal was enjoyed by everyone and didn't induce nearly as much stress as the traditional Christmas meal - what a pleasure! After tea (and once P-J was home from work), we unwrapped gifts together - but I'll have to wait on Dezlin to upload the snaps of that colourful mayhem! We had Santa's helper (Aunty Robyn) create stockings for all of du Plessis - Danny, Vivienne, Lee-David, Deb, Matty, (even Micah), P-J, Ash and Jorja. DuPie will wait until next year for his/her stocking's finishing touches. Thanks Rob! In the photo above, Jorja thinks about going to play outside - although that does entail interacting with Bernie, the miniature Jack Russell puppy from Pretoria! Glad to r...