I love that in a complete co-incidence, my children received their first South African library cards on World Read Aloud Day! We've been trying all week to get it sorted - proof of this, copy of that, get the opening hours right and and and ...Eeeee-ven-tually it all came together and just in time on this day too. Reading with the children is a necessary and valuable sacrifice: totally worth it even though it's not always a perfect fit in a dog-tired day. Our kids have been fortunate - introduced to books from a young age in the form of gifts and while following the Ambleside Curriculum. Education properly understood is not merely the assimilation of data and technique; it is the mind feeding on ideas given expression in God’s creation, great art, beautiful music, and “living books.” Real learning occurs when students engage with novelists, poets, philosophers, scientists, mathematicians, artists, musicians, historians and explorers; when they wonder, and as...
A South African family telling their stories of learning, loving and living. Online since 2010.