We pulled up into the parking lot and piled out of the car. First stop was an emergency nappy change on Baby and the boys waited by the high heap of bags, balls and other picnic paraphernalia. Thanks to the new style of nappy we're sporting these days, the change was all vertical and completed quicker than usual. Score. By the time I returned to the boys, we had found some more friends and started our walk over to the neighbourhood park. Upon arrival, the kids immediately set off towards the slide, leaving all the bags and bits right on the ground where they'd previously stood. So we doubled up on the lugging and trudged our way to the communal blanket area. Once there, I stopped to do a head count and the others Mom's laughed at my 3-kids check list. I didn't take notice of their amusement, being so used to this MO already. Our morning time started with a Welcome Song, followed by a Story and then a Craft. All the kids did well to participate, despite their increas...
A South African family telling their stories of learning, loving and living. Online since 2010.