With one chubby little arm clasped tightly around me and your head of wispy hair nestled in my neck, I held you close. The time ticked away... As the sun came up, outside the traffic was building and we should've been hurrying to get ready for the day. But we didn't rush. I'm not sure whether I let you lay, or if it's you that let me hold you...just a little longer. Because the truth is, you're growing up so quickly. We celebrated your 1st birthday milestone this weekend. As your Mum, I'm torn between tracking your progress with excitement, and absorbing the strumming on my tiny heart strings as you grow in independence. From the moment we discovered that you would be arriving, you have been teaching me about grace; Grace in the plan, Grace in provision, Grace in change, Grace through loss, Grace through experience, Grace in growth, Grace in joy, Grace in love. Your life is celebrated! Happy Birthday, Adrienne Naomi. We love you.
A South African family telling their stories of learning, loving and living. Online since 2010.