You were not nearly what I expected. After what seemed like a lifetime of being 20-something, along you came and changed the game. I had another baby and even after a long time my tummy didn't go away. I also wear sleeved tops almost all of the time. My head sprouted grey hairs and I now take a really long uhmmmm do I have to before I epilate my legs. I completed my first 5km run - and in Shoops! red socks no less. Although I can't deny having worn my shoes, I didn't take a single ballet class and instead started doing the Mommy shuffle, much to my family's dismay. I parted ways with my beautiful road bike. I cut my hair. Short. And once I'd overcome the shock I realised that it brought me such relief. Who knew that so much happiness could be tied up into a pony tail? I joined a virtual book club and learnt to read for pleasure again. I consciously slowed down my social media footprint. I battled loneliness. I worked a different job and sold the first car t...
A South African family telling their stories of learning, loving and living. Online since 2010.