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Showing posts from February, 2017

Bye bye Baby?

I moved my 'nursing' chair out of our bedroom this weekend. Quite unplanned (but not un-thought of) might I add. A friend stopped by with her thirsty 3 month old and it seemed easier to move the chair than to clean up my room! So no, I haven't stopped nursing my almost 10-month-old Baby, but this shift does make it seem like those baby days are numbered! I suppose it could also mean that I'm so over nursing etiquette 101 (where the Mom sits upright cradling baby across her waistline) and that these days I simply sleep walk over to the cot, retrieve only slightly awake but moany Baby and lay her in the bed between Dear Husband and I (and sometimes other kids too!) and leave her to nurse buffet style. It's not my proudest accomplishment but it gets the job done while affording me some more R n R. No complaints there.You don't know how many nights I spent sleeping in that wing back chair. I'm surprised I haven't got a winged back by now! I'd c...

Rude Awakening

Only as a Mom, can you take a little nap at 20h30 on a Tuesday, wake up at 22h30 and go about the rest of your duties for the day! But that's not all. What was most unusual about this evening? Waking up to the smell of Dear Husband preparing measured meals (his side gig) after a seriously long day job. Perspective! At least I got a time out. I could harp on about Baby's sore mouth that gives her max 2 hours of sleep at a time. Or the heat. The bring-a-plate-of-eats request from Middle Child's school that will nag me until I prepare it in a panic on the night before or the fact that I seriously sent our Eldest One to her ballet class on the wrong day, last week! These things have been happening for no extra special reason. Just life. True, I am a little underwhelmed with the state of affairs right now - not withstanding the SONA traffic management plan and my pending eye test. Some of us long for that indulgent milkshake or camping by the river ...I'm just wish...