Yesterday I came across an article in a local family magazine where the Mom spoke of a separation anxiety issue. Interestingly enough, it was not the kid suffering from it nearly as much as the Mom was! It got me thinking about how as parents we often think that we are here to teach our kids everything. When in actual fact, they teach us just as much - if not more? Case in point: I can't stand the sight of a cockroach - dead or alive. I have smashed many a dustpan while in a fit of uncontrollable rage against a cockroach - not because I'm the Indiana Ashleigh of vermin hunting, but because I don't want any part left of the roach - a part that could possibly reproduce or mutate to come back and irk me! Yesterday evening I found a cockroach in the spare bedroom. I was horrified. Might I add that P-J despises them almost as much as I do and to this end, refuses to assist in these situations. It's quite ridiculous, the two of us, I know. Be that as it may, there l...
A South African family telling their stories of learning, loving and living. Online since 2010.