There's no sense in denying it - after my longest contract yet, I am looking forward to a break... I'll resist the urge to make a 'To Do list' (mostly because I have a version somewhere already), and instead, pinpoint specific photos that help me identify what I look forward to doing the most during my time off: Catching up with friends - Surrendering my smartphone was a bittersweet moment of 2013 because I no longer had the power of push-button technology to keep in touch with friends both near and far. Fortunately, I still enjoy sending snail mail. Unfortunately, I have not been very good at it over these past 8 months! It's in the post! Getting organised - So maybe this picture is a little misleading, but I can dream right? A neat cupboard, an orderly file...these are a few of my favourite things! Ash-reorganise One-on-one contact with the kids - It's no secret that my family means the most to me. Ask the office - I made no ap...
A South African family telling their stories of learning, loving and living. Online since 2010.