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Showing posts from December, 2012

If man could feed on sand...

...I'd have a month's supply of 'groceries' as we head into the new year! It's ironic that - at the end of the day on our 6th wedding anniversary - two self-confessed sand haters (being P-J and I) opted for a picnic dinner on Fish Hoek beach that evening, with the kids. And so poor Ethan's first experience of sea was spent hoisted high on my hip... Hardly an "experience", until today! At his first request to get down (on the sand!!) I granted him his wish. Even hesitant Jorja felt prompted to join in. He sat down, scratched around, tasted a little, splashed with glee... And the rest, as they say, is history! Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


A long weekend in December is no monkey business - cleaning, decorating, beach-ing and eating... And that's just one day! I'm especially grateful for the time to relax with family. Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Twelve. Twelve. Twelve.

Waking up this morning and realising what the date was, I couldn't resist recollecting what I was doing at the time... And I am only too aware of how much P-J loves it when I do this - ha ha!  To think that we'll never have this date structure in our lifetime again?! 01/01/01 - New Years Day as a 15-year old   14 year-old (Big Sister corrected me!) . I probably spent it with my folks and wished that I was with my friends! ...( And apparently we were all dressed up with nowhere to go!) 02/02/02 - My last month, ever, of being metal-free...because by 1 March I had rods, pins and plates inserted to restructure my dislocated ankle and fractured leg bones. 03/03/03 - The first term of my Matric year at John Wycliffe Christian School 04/04/04 - I think this was my stint at University... 05/05/05 - Working in London at Stockwell Park High School on the week days and Squeeze Me Juice Bar on weekends! 06/06/06 - Awesome Plett holiday and six months to go until our We...

It's been a busy month!

Here are a few snaps taken over this last month, a busy month of milestones, special moments and many new memories to enjoy!  Die Burger-fietstoer 2012 Andel and Brendan making it look easy After 4 years of working for this events company, I finally managed to see the first group start the race - and skrikked lekker too when the gun went off! It was extra special having Andel participate too - well done!  Jorja told me afterwards that she wasn't impressed by my leaving home so early (02h00!) to go to work...and yet, at her playdate in Grabouw, she didn't seem too perturbed?  Catching up with Lexi Of course, we've arrived at that time of the year  where Mom's waste their time dressing their children in anything more than the bare minimum. Here my child, Ethan, demonstrates that the swimming water is so clean, it's good enough to drink! Cooling off on the top and the bottom My time with Zac is precious - sometimes he's happy to smile ...