All talk and no action? Yes, I missed the 'Friday' blog entry and I've only just remembered! Sorry! It was a full week past as I filled in at Bonny Babies for Bonny, herself! Rob and Dom were a part of the 'super-sub' team as well, and also Gran Jean, Aunty Evelyn and Aunty Betty on alternating days! Mom attended a block week at college and 4 children were left in our care. This work is not for the weak and I take my hat off to child-care workers around the globe! By last night, I had just enough energy to 'make my bed and lay in it', as they say. Hence, the missed blog entry. Batteries were recharged by 07h00, just when Pops sounded the breakfast call and we all assembled around the kitchen counter. Sadly, we later discovered that our car had been broken into - losing our frontloader and PSP in the process :( Fortunately, there was no damage to the car, and many other valuable items were not taken! As it happens, this will probably be our last 'camp o...
A South African family telling their stories of learning, loving and living. Online since 2010.