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Showing posts from 2012

If man could feed on sand...

...I'd have a month's supply of 'groceries' as we head into the new year! It's ironic that - at the end of the day on our 6th wedding anniversary - two self-confessed sand haters (being P-J and I) opted for a picnic dinner on Fish Hoek beach that evening, with the kids. And so poor Ethan's first experience of sea was spent hoisted high on my hip... Hardly an "experience", until today! At his first request to get down (on the sand!!) I granted him his wish. Even hesitant Jorja felt prompted to join in. He sat down, scratched around, tasted a little, splashed with glee... And the rest, as they say, is history! Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


A long weekend in December is no monkey business - cleaning, decorating, beach-ing and eating... And that's just one day! I'm especially grateful for the time to relax with family. Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Twelve. Twelve. Twelve.

Waking up this morning and realising what the date was, I couldn't resist recollecting what I was doing at the time... And I am only too aware of how much P-J loves it when I do this - ha ha!  To think that we'll never have this date structure in our lifetime again?! 01/01/01 - New Years Day as a 15-year old   14 year-old (Big Sister corrected me!) . I probably spent it with my folks and wished that I was with my friends! ...( And apparently we were all dressed up with nowhere to go!) 02/02/02 - My last month, ever, of being metal-free...because by 1 March I had rods, pins and plates inserted to restructure my dislocated ankle and fractured leg bones. 03/03/03 - The first term of my Matric year at John Wycliffe Christian School 04/04/04 - I think this was my stint at University... 05/05/05 - Working in London at Stockwell Park High School on the week days and Squeeze Me Juice Bar on weekends! 06/06/06 - Awesome Plett holiday and six months to go until our We...

It's been a busy month!

Here are a few snaps taken over this last month, a busy month of milestones, special moments and many new memories to enjoy!  Die Burger-fietstoer 2012 Andel and Brendan making it look easy After 4 years of working for this events company, I finally managed to see the first group start the race - and skrikked lekker too when the gun went off! It was extra special having Andel participate too - well done!  Jorja told me afterwards that she wasn't impressed by my leaving home so early (02h00!) to go to work...and yet, at her playdate in Grabouw, she didn't seem too perturbed?  Catching up with Lexi Of course, we've arrived at that time of the year  where Mom's waste their time dressing their children in anything more than the bare minimum. Here my child, Ethan, demonstrates that the swimming water is so clean, it's good enough to drink! Cooling off on the top and the bottom My time with Zac is precious - sometimes he's happy to smile ...

My Christmas wishlist

Yesterday I learnt that some people are already erecting their Christmas trees. Sounds like a fantastic idea to get into the Season - if you don't have a two busy kids! For the past couple of years, I've really enjoyed having our tree decorated with (my favourite) fairy lights twinkling in the night - and sometimes day - and all the festive cheer that comes with it. We normally pack it all up 1 week later and it just feels short-lived. We've jokingly noted that this year we'll have to suspend the tree from the ceiling because of all the children around. What about a couple of wreaths hung on the wall? In my house, storing gifts as high and out of sight as they can be is probably the only way they'll survive until 25 December - safe from children and adults alike! This year, my Christmas wishlist is quite long... I'd like: 1. A relaxed morning, as we prepare for the Church service, reading the story of Jesus' birth in Bethlehem and thanking God for...

I need to be a marvelous maid... Or I need an explanation!

I wish I knew how Moms did it in the olden days. SIDENOTE: I wish I'd pay more attention to stories of the olden days... Maybe the answer has been there all along? Or maybe not. Someone tell me how, back in the day, Moms reared kids - cooked hearty meals, cleaned everywhere (even the skirting, the kettle, the soap dish and the vegetable box in the fridge), taught life lessons and little lessons, played games, read stories, told stories, listened to stories, fixed torn clothes and scraped knees - and all while keeping the kitchen sink clean, the laundry ironed, their eyebrows perfectly shaped and their heels smooth?! I am feeling like an under-achiever of note. I enjoy my work, I value my home and I love my family dearly. Why can't they all just get along? Seems the glow of a good clean/project done/family day only lasts as long as a few short days and then we're back planning to plan to get organised about it! Unless I've got it wrong - and somewhere out...

Moving back to 'mobile'

I changed my blog entry setting from ' post from mobile device ' to ' post from computer ' when I went back to my office job. I thought for sure that I'd have lots of time to write at length and add photos and video clips too using super - creative layout styles instead of just the rush job of push-button-instant-upload that is mobile blogging. It turns out - I don't have a lot of time to blog when I'm actually sitting behind the pc from 09h00 - 17h00... Strange how that worked out, right? So hopefully, the activity graph will liven up again as I share more of what's been happening in our household lately, almost instantaneously!

Piercing Jorja's ears

Last Saturday we pierced Jorja's ears. After over 12 months of her on and off asking for it... She didn't know until it hit her! I'd hoped that we'd find a place that would do both ears in one go. But alas. Twenty (yes 20!) minutes after the first one, an ice cream, yellow candy sprinkles scattered all over the floor, a spiking blood pressure and some coaxing, Mom (that's me) pierced the other ear. I can't seem to shake the feeling of "Did we do the right thing?" I guess that's part and parcel of the decisions that we make as parents... She definitely seems to be enjoying her bejewelled ears - and just like she didn't quite comprehend the somewhat unpleasant process involved in 'getting earrings', as parents we don't always grasp how much influence we hold in our hands!'s done.

Phone Frenetic

This weekend I noticed that Ethan grabs for my cellphone and moans when I place it out of reach or hide it. Now I know it's taking over. Around the time of his birth, my phone went on the blink. Besides the inconvenience of being out of reach during my hospital stay and missing out on congratulatory calls, I can safely say that it was a good spell for me. Seven months down the line, it's plain to see that I am heavily dependant on this device and it's taking over more than just my ear time... I propose PHONE FREE ZONES. Let's start with the easy ones: 1. The bathroom Yugh! 2. The bedroom Tick! 3. While driving Uh hmm! 4. At the dinner table Aha! And now for the tough one: After, say, 20h00? I can fully appreciate the conveniences of a cellphone - I can! Plus there are extra emergency, disable and battery life features. All I'm saying is...Let's curb our enthusiasm to be SO connected! 

LIKE Father LIKE Son

One week on, we can safely say that P-J enjoyed a quiet and comfortable birthday - no massive meltdowns, no NEW grey hairs, no surprises (whoops?).  We had quiche for dinner and once I'd reassured all and sundry that it was socially acceptable for real men to eat quiche, all that was left to do was enjoy a slice of birthday cake, family time and the blessing of another year past. Now look at this: I don't think that when P-J pulled this familiar pose (donned in way too many photos throughout his teen years) he could've ever imagined that his 7-month old son would do the same, one day down the line! These men in my life...  ...Just the pose itself can give you a little insight into my daily dealings with them both!  It sure felt good to celebrate Peter-John's 28th birthday with him (of which I've know him for 14 of those years). Perhaps a little better for me than for him, because every year, he asks for a motorbike...and every year, I don't d...

Life goes on...

There I was, feeling particularly guilty about not having blogged in oh-so-very-long...When after a little investigating, I realised that it is a common trend at the moment! Seems to me that life is going on with or without our stories! Oh! But stories are fun... Like the one where we celebrated Ethan's 6th monthiversary in the September heat of a Sunday afternoon with a quick swim and all! Or like the one where we (that's everyone) moved rooms around at home to fit us in a little bit better. Admittedly, I suffered some severe mover's remorse aka miss-my-baby anxiety the first few days...but now Ethan calls me during the night, and I do the Long Walk to Freedom to him, just so that we all know that the other one still cares. Let's not forget the trip to Hillcrest Berry Farm for Aunty Robyn's birthday - where Jorja enjoyed a fantastic-looking gingerbread man - I mean, check out that expression - and Andel suffered a berry babbalas! Th...

When it rains, it pours!

After 6 cosy months, our house on the crescent now has to wait a long and lonely day before she's filled again with familiar people, smells and sounds. A full time job with 2 kids is not a joke - I am one (of millions of) tired Mamma(s)! And after just a few days back at work, both kids came down with season-shifting colds. Before I'd finished soothing their coughs and wiping their noses, there were 3 sick souls in the home. But the show must go on! Today Ethan moves out of our bedroom... A much thought about - quickly done move that now I'm feeling quite iffy about. Seems that once we enter the busy season, just like leaving home at the start of the new day or watching your kids grow up: there's just no turning back. Photo update to follow soon. Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

DIY Haircut

In those quiet moments, you HAVE to wonder... For not remembering to keep a curl from Jorja's very first haircut, I now have many, many long strands to make up for it - a clump of light brown locks, to be precise. Inspired by Aunty Annie's half 'n half haircut, Jorja got hold of the scissor and snipped away! Oh for sure, I'm relieved that it wasn't a 1cm fringe number - but that doesn't make it any easier to accept. Just goes to show: when it's really quiet and you're wondering if she's inside doing something mischievous... She probably is! Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Let's Face It

Some think that massage and beauty therapy is reserved for the girly girls... But LET's FACE IT - we all enjoy a little pampering now and then! To help me make the most of my last few days of leave, I was treated to a back and neck massage, facial and pedicure on Monday. Admittedly, two hours of free thought is a little overwhelming: How's Ethan doing with P-J outside? What colour should we paint Jorja's room? Is the Fruit + Veg City Whammy Wednesday worth it? (Ooh, this steam on my face is invigorating!) What am I wearing to work on Monday? Should I have put a load of laundry on before I left home? What's the time? (Oh I hope it's not over yet!)... I mean, the last time I lay this still on my back for longer than 45 minutes, I was wheeled out of the labour ward with a newborn! Every now and then, even a plain Sally like me goes to Romy for a treatment - and you should pop in too - 72 Uppermill Road, Gardens.

Trip to the Lion Par...(scratch that) ER!

We had planned to take Jorja to the Lion Park today - a treat for her (and Mom) before the school schedule tightens up and I go back to work! Instead, at 4am, we were off to the Emergency Rooms at Red Cross Hospital to check out Jorja's aching arm. It's happened before: rough play and a quick jerk 'unlocks' something in her elbow (a ligament, we now know), leaving her arm limp and sore! In previous times she had either slept it off and it relaxed and eased back into place (?!!) or we found ourselves in the presence of a medical practitioner and it was sorted out promptly. Third times a charm. It happened after 9pm, we weighed up the options and decided to try rest first. At 03h30 she awoke, still eina, and so we head off to the ER. Fortunately P-J was home, Ethan was obliging, the hospital was ready for us, the Dr was helpful, Jorja's arm was sorted out and we could all come home relieved. (Not quite the excitement of the Lion Park - but pretty cl...

Baking Day

The girls at Bonny Babies got together for a baking session: Everyone assembled, followed the first instructions given, started stirring and then...BAM! A gooey pink cake mixture explosion! I arrived to find everyone covered in at least 5 splashes - but after a quick clean up, the left over mixture was baked off and a pretty platter of cute cupcakes was presented to Gran Jean for her birthday. Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Dinner at the Klaasens

Every so often, it all comes together - the weather's good, the ladies are on leave at the same time, one husband finishes work early and the other one's husband starts later than expected, the kids are behaving... ...And then we have a good visit with the Klaasens! Andel and Robyn are so good at helping us out - especially when P-J's working late. They've had 3 years of practise too - so they've got the drill down to a fine art by now. Thanks to them, nights without P-J at home to help me are not nearly as overwhelming as one would expect them to be - plus Rob cooks a mean, well-balanced meal and Andel can carry all of our bags on one arm! Score! Zac and Ethan enjoyed each other's company too - for the few times that their napping and nappy change schedules were in sync. Uncle P-J had some good time with the boys before heading off to work later in the afternoon, Rob got a chance to spice up her daily routine a bit by throwing in a: 'bake sago...

Monday Outing

Try as they might, a little earlier today, fellow patrons at our local mega mall just could not work out the dynamics: One young(ish) looking lady wearing that all-too-comfy slacks and signature ponytail with one large infant strapped to her, instructing one tireless three year-old tangled in the adjacent trolley. Next to her stands another damsel, only slightly distressed by the occasional whimper coming from the little bundle in her arms... And bringing up the rear (and the trolley) dressed in fresher eyes, fashion and a fear of cuddlesome chaos - also heavily laden with 2 backpacks, 1 shopping bag, her own purse and a carry chair - the final member of the tour group. Are they foreign immigrants? Is it a visiting nursery group? Was there a mobile 'sitter service offered by the mall? No! No! No! It's just us 3 sisters out running a few errands... Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Snoozing Siblings

After a long and challenging Monday for all, we drove home to the soundtrack of moans and pitchy shrieks playing loudly from the back seat. What's a parent to do? Well... This time, the best thing was to do nothing. Eventually (fortunately!), the crying songs cancelled each other out! And we live to see the end of another day. Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Bellana Weekend

It's hard to believe that our Annual Hendricks holiday time has come and gone already. What an experience having two babies AND a boisterous 3 year old with us this time! (Who do all of these kids belong to?) We're kind of sorry that we missed the beautiful hail in Cape Town...But we would not have traded this weekend for anything!  Day 1 Arrival Day: Sing-a-long in the car, pillow fights for bedrooms, unpack, settle in Weather was: Sunny! We ate: Breakfast rolls, Cheesy Chicken Pasta for lunch and Roast for dinner with all the trimmings AND pudding! Day 2 Stormy Day: Watched big waves from Bonny's Bed and the Weber braai on the go from the safety and warmth of behind the sliding door! Weather was: Wet and Windy! We ate: Healthy breakfast, Nachos Deluxe for lunch and Braai for dinner, of course! Day 3 Road trip Day: Drive through Kleinmond, Olympic viewing Weather was: Grey with patches of sunshine We ate: Good ol' fry up and lots of leftovers for 'LU-PPER...

Pot-brood Prodigy

We are sitting atop a hill in Betty's Bay... Yes, we're watching the tide roll away... But we aren't wasting time... No sir-ee! PJ has just baked his first pot-brood! Our annual Hendricks holiday has relocated from Wellington to Betty's Bay, and boy, it's off to a great start! Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Friends Challenge

Pictured: Madison and Jorja aka Sunbeam Sisters Of late I've been challenged to put (a lot) more effort into contacting my friends and nurturing those friendships. After all, they are the people who are there to help, cheer, cry, listen and love you... And here sits two of Cape Town's craziest - showing us that sometimes you've just got to let your hair down, share a pudding and smile! Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

The sunshine makes my heart glad!

Wipe away the dark grey clouds Shoo away the rain Open doors bring good, fresh air Today my laundry's not in vain We don't mind being busy We can even sing a song We almost lost our sense of humour - being bundled up so long It may not last a length, I know Stormy weather must be had But there's just something 'bout the sunshine That makes my heart so glad! Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Sisters are doing it for themselves

On Friday we set off for a Spur breakfast to celebrate Dom's birthday. Annie woke up just in time to catch the bus (it sure felt like a bus, we almost had to take 2 cars to fit everyone in!) before we picked up Rob and Zac waiting at their door. Sadly, not everyone could join in the festivities, but a good thing too - since 4 ladies and 2 babies filled up the restaurant's biggest booth! And thankfully, there was another birthday being celebrated that morning, whose Spur-sing-along we could adopt from afar so as not to disturb our sleeping babies... Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Building blocks

Oh woe is me - we are so behind on blog updates! Jorja's birthday was over a month ago, and the photos are still waiting to be uploaded. But nevermind. Here's my current favourite photo, of Jorja and Ethan. She's now 3 years old, Ethan is 3 months old and even little Zac is 3 weeks old. I can't imagine what's going through her head - a little over 16 weeks ago, this was a very different ball game! Since then, she's displayed all sorts of emotions and behaviour... And while she lands in hot water with us sometimes, her little brother has nothing but smiles and adoration for her! It's clear to us that she cares about Ethan and has warmly welcomed him into our family. She is my reminder to be patient, to be gentle, to make the time count. God knows, when we can't soothe Ethan, we're baffled (and relieved) that she can! So while we're more practiced in this "new-kinda-normal" it's definitely not second nature yet... Ev...

When Jorja sleeps...

Before Ethan was born, Jorja would fall asleep laying with her head on my lap. Strangely enough, as soon as she settled, Ethan would suddenly be at his busiest time of the day, inside my womb... Fortunately, these days, their sleeping schedules are more in-sync! Watching Jorja sleep always makes me teary eyed - sometimes because I'm so jealous that she's getting that sought-after shut eye, but mostly because she is a beautifully peaceful sight to behold. (I can't be sure of what's happening behind those closed eyes though!) Spending time with her before she goes off to her happy place at night is a real blessing - This firecracker of a girl with the big voice and wild hair quietens down, nestles into a comfortable spot and her hair settles gently on her pillow and then I realise that she's not yet to big for a cuddle! I'm only too aware of the fact that one day, this will be a distant memory... One day she'll limit my time in her room and it...